the goal: to build a strong, profitable website strategically crafted to elevate your online presence

the process

  • Discovery & Research: We begin by discovering your website's goals and objectives, and scope, as well as determining the root of your story to enhance it on a digital scale. This will include audience and competitor research.
  • UX + Wireframing: I will explore how to streamline your website's user experience with wireframes (a blueprint for your website). We will discuss the best way to enhance your audience's journey through your site and what elements are top priority.
  • Design: I will craft the visual appearance of your site with a Figma prototype. From here, we will walk through a few rounds of revisions.
  • Development: This step will commence the building of the new website. I will implement the chosen design, add content, and integrate any necessary systems or applications.
  • Testing: Time to take it for a test drive! Here I will conduct 'test drives' on the website to ensure it is functioning correctly and fix those pesky bugs.
  • Launch + Maintenance: Blastoff! The website is launched and, depending on your web package, you will either take on full web hosting responsibilities or I will offer support to keep it running smoothly.

Recent Work